

Owner and President of Banchero Costa Finanziaria S.p.A., Genoa Holding of the Banchero Costa Network

born in Valbrevanna and educated in Genoa.

1949                starts working with Anchor Ltd., Genoa shipping agents

1956                chartering clerk with Agenzia Marittima Orion s.r.l., Genoa

1956                six months stage in Hamburg, also to learn the German language

1961                chief executive officer chartering department at Gastaldi & Co., Genoa

1968                banchero-costa & c. s.p.a. is established with partner Umberto Costa

1999                acquires Umberto Costa’s shares

2000                chairman of banchero costa network, which is today handling, either directly or     through associated companies, a number of shipping services companies worldwide

2011                appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro” by the President of the Italian Republic


married to Maria Luisa Molinaro, they have two daughters and two sons.